“Because she's science-based, good on gut biomes, and doesn't demonise potatoes. I like that, specially the last one.” Jill Dupleix, food writer of Jill Dupleix Eats on The Gut Makeover.

Welcome to The Gut Makeover!

The place to come for ongoing support with feeding your microbiome (the trillions of bacteria in your gut) all the right food so it flourishes into a beautiful healthy pattern.


Because a healthy microbiome can help improve digestion, skin conditions, soothe the immune system, and help manage our weight by reducing cravings.

We now know that the most enjoyable way to feed and tend a healthy microbiome is through all the delicious meals we eat day after day.

So how did we get here?

I am a practicing Nutritional Therapist (BSC, mBANT CNHC) in London. I was a very early adopter of microbiome-boosting foods and quickly saw great results. I felt compelled to share this strategy, and so a bestselling book was born…

The Gut Makeover started off as a book I wrote in 2015 when microbiome research started exploding.  It was originally a 4-week plan I designed to recalibrate your microbiome –  by cutting out the rubbish in your diet and bombarding your gut with good stuff - eating diversity (30+plants a week) and, “live” foods such as kefir and sauerkraut.

Through The Gut Makeover book many people around the world saw their IBS  (irritable bowel syndrome) clear up, skin conditions dramatically improve, inflammatory conditions calm down and weight reduce.

Then recently I started this Substack because I realised most people don’t just need to shape their microbiome for four weeks, then go back to old habits. It needs feeding goodies continually to be healthy.

It is an ongoing project!

I’m overflowing with information, experience, and food ideas to help you do this and keep your diet exciting and your health at its best. I’m close to developments in this area,

I also independently assess gut-health products (such as Zoe and continuous glucose monitors) and foods (eg the M&S gut shots) or supplements (eg Symprove) plus topical new films and books and review them so you know if they are worth investing in or not.

So if you and your gut would like ongoing support join me and this community The Gut Makeover weekly Substack.

If you become a paid member you get access to me on a monthly Zoom meet-up, and on the comments of all posts. Plus be able to read all my weekly articles, and access the whole back-library of resources and meal ideas behind the paywall, and get lots of inspiration to help your gut bacteria help you!

What to expect when you sign up…

PAID SUBSCRIBERS - £50 a year if you take out an annual memberhip (which works out just over £4 per month)

If you pay monthly it’s £10 a month.

  • A weekly publication (delivered to your inbox on a Wednesday).

  • Invitation to a monthly live Zoom gathering with me (these range from Ask me Anythings on different gut topics to fermentation and food-making demonstrations live).

  • Access to the community. When you read one of my articles you can comment and we can all interact.

  • Access behind the paywall to the full archive of content (tips, reads, and recipes to help with your gut, skin, immune system, weight) on my Substack all in one place.

  • You’re supporting independent writing from a one-woman band.

  • Be first to hear about limited-number in-person/online specialist workshops, retreats and events and special offers.


  • Occasional free posts

FOUNDING MEMBERS - £200 per year

Founding members get all the benefits of regular paid subscribers plus a special one-hour 1-2-1 nutritional therapy session with me. I don’t usually do one offs so grab the chance while you can! These will be available for a limited time exclusively to founding members.

So if you need me to review your diet and have a topic you’d like to start work on, here’s your chance.

When you’ve subscribed as a founder, send en email to me at hello@jeannettehyde.com and I’ll send you a short questionnaire to fill out before we meet, and a calendar and Zoom link. Look forward to seeing you!

Thank you for being part of this Substack, Jeannette x

To find out more about my live events, workshops, and books come over to my web site.

What are paid readers saying about my Substack?

“I’m delighted to get continuous advice and information through my subscription.”

“The value of your newsletters is often in the small issues that you raise.”

“I most like the small community feel of this Substack. It feels personal.”

“Really valuing your information. After using Zoe I am totally confused. Your comments about your experience of Zoe and resulting carb confusion really resonated with me.”

“I like the Substack newsletter as it allows you to give more detailed content behind the paywall than an Instagram post.”

“You support folks in managing to eat the rainbow of plants without having a personal chef or a large bank account.

“An honest, down-to-earth take on the minefield of health advice out there.” Fiona Beckett, author of Eat This, Drink That, and The Guardian’s wine writer.

Subscribe to The Gut Makeover

Insider info on feeding your gut microbes for a healthier you. Weekly tips, meal ideas, expert commentary, news, reviews, plus invitation to my monthly group meet up - all from a gut-centric practicing nutritional therapist.


BSc-trained nutritional therapist. Author of The Gut Makeover and The 10-Hour Diet books. Former journalist of The Times and The Observer.