Quark - the high-protein breakfast for when you can't face eggs
Start the day like a German with these 3 light cheese recipes, plus a fermentation veg book review, and a sign-up link to tomorrow's dairy Ask Me Anything (AMA)
A friend asked me the other day what to eat instead of eggs for protein at breakfast which got me thinking.
As I was walking around one of Berlin’s many organic health food stores last weekend (killing time before a niece’s church confirmation) the answer hit me!
There on the fridge shelves I spotted rows of it - the low-fat, low-lactose, high-protein “cheese” which my German mother—in-law has for breakfast every day.
If any of you are trying to get your 20g+ of protein in at breakfast (or brunch) for satiety and to build/keep muscles for balance/strength/fitness, you would have to eat 3 eggs to get there.
But if you’re squeamish or bored of eggs, or can’t stomach that many in the morning, quark which is fat free, and feels light (unlike cream cheese or Greek yogurt) could be an option. And it’s in all the main UK supermarkets.
Breakfast isn’t just about getting protein in…it’s also a chance to feed the gut some goodies too.
So I’ve devised 3 quark breakfasts here which tick the 20g+ protein box, but also offer plant diversity and some live probiotics along the way to feed your gut microbiome too. Which as you know looks after your digestion, skin, immune system and weight.
BTW when you look for quark in your supermarket head to the cheese section. It may look like yogurt but the likes of Tesco, Waitrose, Aldi often put it by the Parmesan.
Anyway some Berlin-inspired breakfast ideas…
(BTW recipes below are for one person).